
Family Goodbye

My parents invited all the Rovenstines over for a goodbye party. I just love my family. They are so great! This is Big Dalene (but only big as in older)...

When I was younger, I hated being called Little Dalene. I don't mind it so much now. :)

Becca was slacking with her photography, but she did get a few shots of funny cousins...or is it second cousins? first cousins once-removed? hmm...

And the staple at any Rovenstine gathering...Nanny...

Thanks, everyone for coming! I will miss you all!


Dalene said...

We'll miss you!

Be sure to get some recipe ideas for our cookbook while you're there.

I'm thinking of titles...

Dalene Cooks twice the yum

Anonymous said...

What a nice picture... Wish I could take pictures of myself and those I am with like you did this one.. You are grrreeeaaattt!!! U. Wendell