
Regina = Queen

As I was looking through my Suriname pictures for my last post, I found this one. It is too good to not share with the world.

I laughed so hard when I took this I think I wet my pants a little (and I haven't even had children yet). I think the whole table wet their pants. We all definitely had tears in our eyes. Regina would be SO mad if she knew I posted this, but I'm pretty sure she can't even figure out how to get to my blog. I love this woman. She used to always tell us her name meant queen in some language. She's definitely a queen to me!


liesel said...

What a great picture! Regina looks like loads of fun!

Unknown said...

She BEGGED you to delete this picture remember? And you lied to the poor 73 year old and said you did!

little dalene said...

I do not remember that Jennifer. I think you are the liar!