
I can sew...kind of.

It started as an old, beat-up red chair.

And turned into a what-was-I-thinking-when-I-bought-this fabric, but I-made-it-all-by-myself chair.

I only have one more chair and a couch to cover. Then I'm thinking of doing a building cover. What kind of material do you think they use? I bet it will take me longer than a couple of days for this one...


Marlita said...

I'm seeing some Nanny in you!

Nikki said...

I can not believe you picked that fabric!?!?!??!?! and yeah i think it would take you a while to cover a building

Rebecca Rovenstine said...

I love that fabric. I watch a lot of HGTV, and its in.

Julie said...

I love the "new" chair! That fabric is great! so very you :)