I realize it's not that exciting because we have these in the States, but I LOVE the shopping cart escalator. I'm not sure if that's the official name, but I just get excited every time I get on one. I also really like the moving sidewalks at airports. Your luggage doesn't lock into the grooves, so it's not quite as cool. However, you can go super-woman fast on the sidewalks though. I always feel sorry for the losers walking next to me because they're going SO slow!
Kalen is an O.U. Graduate
5 years ago
You look so snazzy in that pic. Isn't it a family trait to be amused easily?
I remember that Charissa and I used to say in HS that our favorite pastime was "doing nothing," or "taking naps."
At least you're more adventuresome than that!
Those losers walking next to you are getting exercise and you are not.
Who said that? I'm still walking, I'm just getting there faster than they are. I don't just stand on it...It's not a RIDE!
love it! jealous of it!
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