
I love my mom.

She is great. She always gives the same advice: take Zyrtec.

"Mom, I have a stomachache."
"Did you take your Zyrtec?"

"Mom, I cut my leg."
"Did you take your Zyrtec?"

It doesn't matter what is wrong with me, the answer is always Zyrtec. I love it, and it always makes me laugh.


liesel said...

She cracks me up.

Anonymous said...

Will the Zyrtec help with that lip thing you described a few weeks back? ~ mm

Nikki said...

So does it work? I never knew Zyrtec was the miracle drug, I guess I learn something new every day hahahahaha.

Rebecca Rovenstine said...

"Mom, I'm throwing up, and have cramps and my acne is getting bad again."

"Don't worry, its just allergies, I'm having problems too."