
Happy Christmas Eve!!!

Who decided Christmas should be the season when we dip everything in baker's chocolate and drizzle almond bark on the top or vice versa? Seriously, think of how many things we drown in chocolate--Ritz crackers, Oreos, homemade cookies, pretzels. I've even seen healthy fruit fully coated. I hope that you and your coated-food of choice are very happy together this Christmas Eve.


Rebecca Rovenstine said...

I love it! I wish it always happened, not just christmas. I will sell them at my store.

Tim Rovenstine said...

like some sort of zebra chocolate, Merry Christmas

Shirley said...

What other kind of "sweet" Christmas is there? My personal favourite? Chocolate caramel coated pretzel sticks.
Have a very Merry Christmas, with lots of fine friends in Korea and wishes from afar.