
Wii Fit Family Night (minus two)

I am so glad I purchased my Wii Fit. Here are two reasons why...

number 1...

and number 2...

Jonnie looked great as well. Here is his Mii skiing...

and here is what he actually looked like...

Notice there are no pictures of me. That's because I look just as ridiculous. Wii Fit is definitely worth the money though. Even if I never use it again, seeing my mother attempt yoga and "imaginary" hula hoop was priceless.


Anonymous said...

You will not ever get anymore Christmas presents or Birthday presents from me ever again. I am even thinking about disowning you.

liesel said...

Oh my goodness, that was great.

amberq said...

Even though I got a real laugh out of your post- I have to side with "anonymous" and follow that with possibly taking you out...

Dalene said...

I think you have the greatest Mom...

We need to get the Wii fit at our house!

Mary Beth said...

I loved seeing this. I wasn't sure how it worked. Now I know.

Nikki said...

That is Priceless! I love it!

Rebecca Rovenstine said...

I was wondering if mom had seen that, I knew she would be MAD!

I started laughing at work! I also started thinking about this video..


Anonymous said...

Awesome! Your family is going to go into withdrawals when you move away and take the Wii with you. I want to see some videos of your dad.