
South Dakota

My friend Jennifer doesn't understand my fascination with South Dakota. I keep trying to tell her that it has a lot to offer. I could be biased because I have had to go there almost every summer of my life. But seriously, where can you go where you can...

...see dinosaurs(I think that's a dinosaur)......stand in a really crooked house...
...get chased by a coyote...

...WHILE riding a really crazy horse...
...go gold panning...
...find rocks shaped like Oklahoma...
...and rocks shaped like presidents...
...and even find the man who literally built his house on the rocks (how very biblical of him)...
...ride a train built in 1880 with your great-grandma...
...or see views like this?


liesel said...

WHY did he built his house on rocks, PLEASE EXPLAIN.

Nikki said...

Please tell me that is not Hannah Montana on your shirt!!!

little dalene said...

That is Hannah Montana.
#1. She's cool.
#2. It was $3 at Wal-Mart.

I'm not exactly sure, but they said something about fire-proofing his house from the forest fires.

Cara said...

the omniplex, duh. i'll skip s. dakota.

Dalene said...

Looks like you had a GREAT time in South Dakota!

Anonymous said...

Alright alright so S. Dakota is just the most amazing place in the whole world. I think my favorite was the train ride with your great grandma...you think she'll go for a ride with me if I visited?? Hm. Speaking of SD, I"m meeting Tracy again tomorrow. Now I can show off all my SD knowledge! THanks!