
I am pretty sure I have TB and scabies now.

I'm serious. Those greyhound buses are disgusting. I have been on buses with Saramaccan women who pee standing up and wipe with whatever they are wearing. This was worse. Much worse.

This pictures isn't blurry. That's just grease on the window from the last person's face. Eww! I didn't sleep the whole trip because I didn't want my head to touch the head rest.
I always see characters in movies and think, "people like that don't really exist." They exist and they ride greyhound buses. One lady kept singing Amazing Grace. Then she went to tell the bus driver he was driving on the shoulder too much so he hit her with his little plastic cage door. This was the least exciting man on the bus (and the only one I could take a picture of without getting caught.

Let this be a lesson for all of you--never take the bus!

1 Comment:

liesel said...

HA HA HA HA Dalene. That is so funny!!! That grease spot is really going to gross me out all day I'm afraid.