

I have not been doing a good job lately. Sorry to the four of you that read it (Big Dalene, Charissa, my mom and Marty). I only feel the need to write when I have pictures or something exciting has happened. And I only take pictures when something exciting happens. I guess that means not a lot has happened lately. So here are some random tidbits of my life for your enjoyment...

•I taught 10 year-old kids today the definition of "gangster." Yes, it was actually in our lesson.
•I went to Bible Study for the last time on Wednesday. Sad.
•Next Wednesday I am going to the DMZ. So exciting!
•In two weeks I will be helping with the Vacation Bible School on base.
•I started teaching morning classes for Tuesday/Thursday today. We got to watch an old episode of The Cosby Show and talk about it!
•My friends Jamie and Stefanie are awesome, and have been buying me Lean Cuisines at the commissary. (I told you these facts were random--and this one is pretty important to me.)
•Rachael and I had a taxi driver ask us with his broken English if all teachers "drink everyday?" Foreigners are really making a great impression here in Korea.
•Today a student told me Alexander the Great was all about alcohol, killing his friend and "hot love." How come they always catch the random stuff in the listening lectures, but never the important things?
•Apparently, there was a dead body by my house, but I didn't see it. (Email me if you want the full story.)
•I started my graduate school admission essays FINALLY.
•I leave Korea in exactly 40 days.

That is all for now. Hope you enjoyed it.


Unknown said...

I will be really mad at you if N Korea throws you in jail so behave yourself at the DMV. I want to know the story of the dead body too.


Unknown said...

DMZ, not Department of Motor Vehicles.


The Rigsby's said...

I am really sad we dont have a VBS at church this year. Oh, well it wouldnt be that fun without you there anyway.

Nikki said...

hey renana and i read this too

little dalene said...

Mom, I'm going with the USO so I'm sure there will be US soldiers around to protect me.
Sorry I forgot you, Nikki and Nana.
Why is FWC not doing VBS? That's really strange...and sad.

Dalene said...

I want to figure out how I can watch "The Cosby Show" at school and get paid for it.

Anonymous said...

Grampa and I always read your blog. I think that I have nothing exciting to write about so I don't write. Your Dad called and said they are on their way to Family Camp. Sounds fun, having it at a resort! I missed Family Camp because your family was visiting us during that time. I even begged off being a delegate. Don't get too close to the N. K. border!

Granma D.