
Never trust a Korean doctor.

They are highly educated people, but they have some crazy ideas about things.

A few weeks ago, a Korean girl I know, Jiyoung, decided to get her belly button pierced. They told her she couldn't eat meat for a week. I guess it prevents it from healing?

This week I had some laser hair removal done. You aren't supposed to sweat for the first day, so just to be sure the doctor told me not to exercise for a week.

Yesterday I was having problems swallowing because my throat was so swollen. I wasn't sure if it was allergies or strep throat. Today I woke up and could barely talk, so I figured I should make a trip to the doctor. I went to see my local heart internist (he's the closest). I told him I thought it was strep. He said it was just a viral infection. He prescribed some medicine, but said the most important thing to do was not bathe. I asked him why. He acted shocked that I would question him. He explained that viruses thrive in the cold. When you get out of the shower your body temperature drops and the virus goes crazy in your body. Hmm....


Rebecca Rovenstine said...

I agree with them 100%

The Rigsby's said...

Well, you should be good at not taking a shower. Since, you didnt get to take one for like an entire year. I do hope you get better soon!!

Dalene said...

COOL! You need to learn as much as you can about that funky medicine.