
New Home, New Year

I can't believe it is already 2010. Why does each year seem to get shorter and shorter?

I don't have much to say (because I have to read six chapters tonight and I'm already falling asleep), but here is a quick update: I live in Columbia, MO now! Scratch the exclamation mark, it's not very exciting yet. My parents dropped off me and my boxes on New Year's Eve. I have been trying to decide if it is more difficult to unpack or live out of boxes. I am doing a little bit of both for now. I will post some pictures once I get everything settled.

I started my "boot camp" class today. I will be in the classroom all this week and then next week I will be part of the reporting staff for the Missourian. Not looking forward to that (I am not a fan of my writing being published...) and class was a little boring, but I'm glad I get a little extra time on campus before all the students return.

Email me if you want to know my address so you can send me mail at my new apartment.

1 Comment:

Dalene said...

Girl! Put on that confidence hat and go conquer the world! I've been dreaming of seeing my name in lights!

Seriously, go get 'em Tiger! You're sassy, smart, and sweet. This is a recipe for wild success.

Don't look back.