
I'm an online production director.

It's not as cool as it sounds, but it is true. I think it's the perfect Teaching Assistant job for me. Click here and see. It is an interesting publication that you should check out.


Graduate School

It's already a lot of work, but I think I will survive. I went to News Reporting orientation Sunday afternoon, and I started feeling very overwhelmed. I became really nervous that it would be too much work for me, but I started classes on Tuesday and have kept up. It turns out that school is much easier as an "adult" without a dorm full of friends around. I do miss my friends, but I think I will be able to get a lot more work done without them around.

Every couple of weeks I will be working all day in the newsroom. If you check my profile page, it may be updated with new stories. They aren't too exciting right now, but it is a start.

That is pretty much my life right now. I still haven't finished unpacking. I need to hang up all my pictures and find a desk so I can put my computer, papers and things somewhere. When all that happens I will take pictures. Promise.


New Home, New Year

I can't believe it is already 2010. Why does each year seem to get shorter and shorter?

I don't have much to say (because I have to read six chapters tonight and I'm already falling asleep), but here is a quick update: I live in Columbia, MO now! Scratch the exclamation mark, it's not very exciting yet. My parents dropped off me and my boxes on New Year's Eve. I have been trying to decide if it is more difficult to unpack or live out of boxes. I am doing a little bit of both for now. I will post some pictures once I get everything settled.

I started my "boot camp" class today. I will be in the classroom all this week and then next week I will be part of the reporting staff for the Missourian. Not looking forward to that (I am not a fan of my writing being published...) and class was a little boring, but I'm glad I get a little extra time on campus before all the students return.

Email me if you want to know my address so you can send me mail at my new apartment.