
New Boots

I L-O-V-E these shoes. They are like Uggs, but better. They are made by a European brand called Mou. The worst part of loving these shoes is the cheapest I can find them is for $265. I can't even find a similar style in a cheaper brand. I am so sad. If Dave Ramsey wasn't telling me each week I shouldn't be spending my money, I could have just bought them.


Julie said...

Those are so cute!! And very you!

Have you looked on other websites? I ask because I found a great deal on UGGS at Victoria's Secret.com. They seem to have better deals on shoes than you could get going through the actual company.

Maybe Dave would approve if it was on sale? That is how I win the Dave arguement with my husband :)

Rachaek said...

there are shorty versions of these at bob's stores, which are only in the east i think. theyre 20 bucks. i love them too.