
Eating at Wal-Mart

I have always been amazed by this phenomenon--eating your food before you purchase it. If you look closely, this women is sticking her hand in a bag of Sour Cream & Onion Potato Chips. I wish I was brave enough to do it because sometimes I do get hungry shopping, but I have the patience to wait until I get to the car at least.

The weirdest part was it started a chain reaction. The women in front of her suddenly opened up her Cheez Its and started feeding herself and her children. I think that is a little more understandable; kids get cranky at Wal-Mart.

So how many of YOU have eaten at Wal-Mart before paying? Don't lie.


Marlita said...

Just wait till you have kids, then you will be opening your grocery items and eating too. Yes.. I am guilty of this.

~ Marty Alan Michelson, Ph.D. said...
