I visit CandyBlog occasionally even though I'm "off" sugar (as my sister would say). I guess I like to torture myself with what I can't have. Today their post just made me smile. Check it out here.
This was my favorite line from the post:
"As you can already imagine there are some strange proportions at work here when dealing with gigantism."
P.S. Thanks for all the votes on the boots. I think everyone likes 1, but unfortunately that is my least favorite pair so I still need to make a decision...
It made me smile.
Posted by little dalene at 11:01 AM 0 thoughts
Big Shoe Decision
I am still very in love with these boots, but I have decided I need to make a sacrifice. I have found similar styles in a more affordable price range. And now I need help deciding. So which one is better?
Number 1?
Number 2?
or Number 3?Yes, 2 and 3 look the same, but they are different shoes. I promise.
Posted by little dalene at 7:11 AM 5 thoughts
New Boots
I L-O-V-E these shoes. They are like Uggs, but better. They are made by a European brand called Mou. The worst part of loving these shoes is the cheapest I can find them is for $265. I can't even find a similar style in a cheaper brand. I am so sad. If Dave Ramsey wasn't telling me each week I shouldn't be spending my money, I could have just bought them.
Posted by little dalene at 12:45 AM 2 thoughts
Eating at Wal-Mart
I have always been amazed by this phenomenon--eating your food before you purchase it. If you look closely, this women is sticking her hand in a bag of Sour Cream & Onion Potato Chips. I wish I was brave enough to do it because sometimes I do get hungry shopping, but I have the patience to wait until I get to the car at least.
The weirdest part was it started a chain reaction. The women in front of her suddenly opened up her Cheez Its and started feeding herself and her children. I think that is a little more understandable; kids get cranky at Wal-Mart.
So how many of YOU have eaten at Wal-Mart before paying? Don't lie.
Posted by little dalene at 6:53 AM 2 thoughts
Notice anything?
This is in the Bartlesville Examiner-Enterprise's ads for garage sales. Something really popped out at me so then it made me wonder, is it legal? And if so, WHY?
Posted by little dalene at 9:33 AM 2 thoughts