Monday at 4:30 pm I was informed I would be moving on Tuesday at 10:00 am.*** Since the movers pack most everything for me I didn't have too much to do, but a little more notice would have been nice.
Unfortunately, I accidentally packed my camera. I wish I had pictures of these movers. Two adjushis (old Korean men) showed up with a couple trucks and a bunch of baskets. They would throw all my stuff into these baskets, stack up two or three and then throw them on their back to carry down three flights of stairs. They did the same thing with my washing machine and my refrigerator. They were like pack mules.
When we got to my new apartment they brought it all in and I had to unload the baskets. I was emptying the food basket into my refrigerator and saw a single egg in the middle of it. There wasn't a scratch on it. These men are truly professionals. (They did break my fridge, but I was too impressed with the egg to care.)
***For those of you that don't know, my school moved in November. They kept everyone in their apartments until the lease ran up. Mine just happened to be the longest lease.
Kalen is an O.U. Graduate
5 years ago
1 Comment:
How do you not break an egg but break a fridge????
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